Tech Hands Technology Services

Tech Hands Technology Services

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Local and Remote IT Services
Providing remote IT services to businesses across the country at an affordable price.  Also providing local in person IT Services in the greater Greenville, SC area.
Scott John
Sole Proprietor
18+ years experience
Cloud and Network
Desktop and Server
Flexible Hours


Systems Architect

Next Level

Designing and laying out the Information technology path for a large 3000+ employee company and then bringing that vision to bear in the most economical, efficient way and with the highest level of quality possible.

Senior Systems Administrator

2013 -2022
Experience Building

Mentoring junior admins as I led the way in implementing some of the most challenging and audacious system upgrades in the history of the company.  We moved datacenters and upgraded entire networks, overhauled virtual infrastructure and made the whole IT environment more cost effective and efficient.  Led the company through a Serious Ransonware attack and the subsequent substantial security upgrades afterwards to prevent a reoccurance.

Systems Engineer


Traveling the country implementing systems and technology for various companies and universities. Worked on a large number of systems ranging from desktops to datacenter level systems including SANs and virtual infrastructure and cloud environments

Software Developer

Starting Out

Wrote code and provided support for systems in use by companies across America.

Skill Set

Web Technologies
Physical Hardware
Writing Scripts
MS Office 365
Desktop Technologies
Google Workspaces
Writing Code
Managing Others

Work Experience

Berang, Inc

Greenville, SC 

Designed and built out custom self contained air conditioned datacenter cabinet for their location here in Greenville.  Also ran all new networking patch cables and switches for their internal networking needs.

  • Sourced equipment for install.
  • installed rack, airconditioner and servers.
  • Built and ran network cables of custom length for the job at hand inside the data cabinet.
  • Installed switches for their networking needs.

HK Enterprises

Duncan, SC

Rebuilt their VMware infrastructure from the ground up including a new SAN, new servers, and new switches.  Implemented this project in reality and then moved all VMs over from the old infrastructure with no downtime.

  • Setup new SAN, Servers and Switches
  • Installed and Configured vSphere software
  • Transfered running instances of virtual machines to new infrastructure with no downtime.



He is the hardest working Admin in the business!

Graham Clinch HK Enterprises

More coming soon

Scott John Tech Hands
